
About this Indicator

Underemployment is defined as people who would like to work longer hours, given the opportunity. This covers those looking for:

  • Additional hours in their existing role (at the same rate of pay)
  • An additional job (to supplement their existing job)
  • A different job with more hours.
Indicator 2018 Baseline 2021 Target 2028 Target
Underemployment (people who would like to work longer hours given the opportunity) 21.3% underemployment No more than 17% underemployment No more than 11% underemployment


The data comes from the Scottish Government’s Annual Population Survey: Scotland’s Labour Market: People, Places and Regions (ONS datasets). Data for calendar years are available as well as data for financial years 2019-20 and 2020-21. 

Most recent data

purple image of a clock The underemployment rate in Shetland for the financial year 2020-21 was 6.5%. From January to December 2020, the underemployment rate was 8.3%. These figures are an improvement on our baseline and reach both the 2021 and 2028 targets.


Why do we monitor this indicator?

location pin in purple to represent place and hand holding wallet in orange to represent money

In-work poverty and financial hardship are a reality for some people in Shetland. We want to help people maximise their incomes and minimise their outgoings to reduce the impact of high living costs. One of the ways maximising income can be achieved is by reducing the number of people who are underemployed. It can also be done by helping people to improve their employment prospects and by ensuring that people claim all of the social security payments to which they are entitled.

Underemployment can also be a key indicator for the overall economic health of an area. A high rate of underemployment can be a signifier of underlying issues in the economy such as a high cost of living, low wage rates or a lack of opportunities in certain areas.

This indicator contributes to monitoring the desired outcomes outlined in the Money and the Place priorities of the Partnership Plan. 

“Everyone will be able to access support they need to maximise their income potential; including innovative, flexible and entrepreneurial employment opportunities throughout Shetland.”