

Priority: Money

All households can afford to have a good standard of living


Our Shared Priority

This priority is aimed at reducing the number of people experiencing poverty and financial hardship in Shetland.

Shetland has a low unemployment rate and relatively high incomes compared to the rest of Scotland. The cost of living in Shetland is high, however, and as such even those people who are in work and earning a reasonable income can experience hardship. We need to find innovative ways to help people reduce their outgoings.

Energy bills in Shetland are high and for many the cost of these bills - along with transport costs - take up a large proportion of their income. The cost of living and amount you earn varies depending on where in Shetland you live.

We need to ensure that everyone in Shetland has the opportunity to maximise their income through positive employment, and - where necessary - welfare payments that take into account the higher cost of living in Shetland.

What will be different for communities by 2028?



  • Everyone will be able to access the support they need to maximise their income potential; including innovative, flexible and entrepreneurial employment opportunities throughout Shetland
  • Everyone will be able to access the support they need to minimise their outgoings with low income households benefitting from reduced bills
  • National governments will understand the additional costs for essential items for householders in Shetland reflecting this in welfare payments and other relevant schemes
  • Communities will be empowered to provide innovative solutions and support to help people maximise their incomes and minimise their outgoings from the support available


Delivering on this priority

In order to deliver on this priority we have our rolling Delivery Plan. This plan outlines the programs and projects that aim to deliver improvement for each of the four Priority areas. Head over to our Projects pages to find out more.
