Foodbank Usage

About this Indicator

The Shetland Foodbank provides nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. It is part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. 

Indicator 2018 Baseline 2021 Target 2028 Target
Foodbank Usage 45 food parcels on average distributed per month. No more than 34 food parcels on average distributed per month (25% reduction) No more than 11 food parcels on average distributed per month (75% reduction)


The Shetland Foodbank provides this data calculated to a monthly average.

Most recent data

An orange food parcel with the number 134 on the side.In 2022-23, an average of 134 food parcels were distributed per month by the Shetland Foodbank. This includes those requested by Anchor for Families. This is an increase on the baseline, the previous year and is higher than the 2021 target. 


Why do we monitor this indicator?

People and Money Priority graphics.

We want more people to have an acceptable standard of living. As part of the right to an adequate standard of living, people need to be able to access food that meets their dietary, social and cultural needs (Scottish Government). The Scottish Government recognises that the main reason why some people are compromising on food is insufficient and insecure incomes; and that increasingly, when someone experiences financial hardship, a referral to a food bank is often the simplest route to meeting their immediate needs. The Scottish Government is clear that food banks are not an appropriate or long term response to poverty.

This indicator contributes to monitoring desired outcomes outlined in the Money and the People priorities of the Partnership Plan.

“Everyone will be able to access the support they need to minimise their outgoings with low income households benefitting from reduced bills.”