What is the role of the Shetland Partnership?

What is the role of the Shetland Partnership?

As a Community Planning Partnership (CPP), the Shetland Partnership is required by the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 to:

  • Prepare and publish a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan ('LOIP' - Shetland's Partnership Plan) which sets out local outcomes which the CPP will prioritise for improvement;
  • Identify smaller areas within the local authority area which experience the poorest outcomes, and prepare and publish locality plans to improve outcomes on agreed priorities for these communities (the outcomes prioritised for improvement in a locality plan may differ from those in the LOIP); and,
  • Review and report publicly on progress towards their LOIP (Shetland's Partnership Plan) and locality plans, and keep the continued suitability of these plans under review.


In line with the requirements as set out in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the Shetland Partnership has worked hard to develop Shetland's Partnership Plan  (our LOIP) and to introduce our first locality plan: Shetland’s Islands with Small Populations.